Arresting Systems / ESCO
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Curtiss-Wright Arresting Systems / ESCO, a business unit of Curtiss-Wright's EMS Division, is a world leader in emergency arresting systems for military aircraft. With two facilities, located in Aston, PA (USA), and Merpins, France, Curtiss-Wright Arresting Gear / ESCO specializes in land-based arresting systems.
Military Aircraft Arresting Systems
As the world leader in emergency arresting systems and energy transfer solutions for military aircraft, Curtiss-Wright Arresting Systems / ESCO has spent the last 75+ years designing a full range of systems intended for the controlled engagement of all types of fighter aircraft and UAVs. More than 5,000 systems supplied by Curtiss-Wright Arresting Systems / ESCO are in use in over 80 countries worldwide.
Saving Lives & Protecting High Value Assets
Curtiss-Wright Arresting Systems / ESCO brings decades of systems engineering experience to provide the most proven and reliable solutions to customers worldwide. New Challenges arising from new aircraft such as Rafale, F-35, JSF, or UAV recovery push us to always find improved net barrier and hook-cable arresting solutions for saving lives and protecting high value assets.
Support for Product Selection
Curtiss-Wright Arresting Systems / ESCO can help you find the right system to meet requirements based on aircraft types, runway constraints, frequency of utilization, lifecycle cost, and installation demands. For temporary systems, our suite of mobile products offers the same performance expected of fixed systems, but in a platform capable of supporting the most rapid expeditionary deployments.
Lifetime Support Services
Curtiss-Wright Arresting Systems / ESCO offers a full range of lifetime support services from performance engineering reports, installation support and oversight, and various forms of on-site or in-house product training, maintenance, repair, and overhaul services.