About Us - Target Rock
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About Us
Founded in 1951 to meet the special severe service valve requirements of the United States Nuclear Navy, Target Rock is today the premier supplier of highly engineered, valves and related products to both the U.S. Navy nuclear fleet and the global nuclear power generation industry. The first Target Rock valves were installed on the USS Nautilus (SSN 571), the U.S. Navy’s first nuclear powered submarine.
Target Rock valves continue to be the valve of choice for the U.S. Navy, and they are installed on nuclear powered submarines and aircraft carriers commissioned by the United States. Since those early days, Target Rock has expanded to be an excellent designer of critical solenoid valves for nuclear power reactors. We were also one of the first recipients of the ASME “N” stamp in the early 1970s. With over 6,000 valves installed in nuclear safety-related applications worldwide, Target Rock has the proven products and experience to handle the nuclear power industry’s most difficult applications.
Our company takes its name from a landmark located in Huntington Bay along the north shore of Long Island, New York. Just as the original rock withstood use as a target by British warships during the American Revolution and War of 1812, Target Rock products today perform in the toughest of conditions.